
9 Power Gifts of the Spirit: Walk In Your Supernatural Identity EBOOK

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9 Power Gifts of the Spirit: Walk In Your Supernatural Identity EBOOK

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Do you want to walk on earth as Jesus did, manifesting miracles and living in the supernatural? If so, then this ebook is for you!

On the day of Pentecost, followers of Christ received a special gift from Jesus: God the Holy Spirit came to live inside of them. In one moment, they were filled with God's power, and Holy Spirit gave them powerful, supernatural abilities (called "spiritual gifts"). He will do the same for you!

In this ebook, 9 Power Gifts of the Spirit: Walk In Your Supernatural Identity, you will study each of the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11--as well as how you can walk in them today. Each chapter includes both the Biblical references for the gifts and practical training and tips. Many chapters also include sample prayers you can pray, asking the Lord for these powerful spiritual gifts.

Chapter titles include:

  • Chapter 1: Speaking in Diverse Tongues
  • Chapter 2: What Is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? (and How To Receive It)
  • Chapter 3: Words of Knowledge
  • Chapter 4: The Gift of Prophecy for Every Believer
  • Chapter 5: Discerning of Spirits
  • Chapter 6: How Words of Wisdom Accomplish the Impossible
  • Chapter 7: How Interpretation of Tongues Helps You Know Father’s Heart
  • Chapter 8: Miracles That Bear Witness for Jesus
  • Chapter 9: Easy Faith for the Impossible
  • Chapter 10: Healings That Change the World
  • BONUS MATERIAL: This product also includes Jamie's spiritual gifts inventory: Know Yourself: An Inventory of 18 Spiritual Gifts! Take the test and see what your gifts are, and then take it again after awhile and see how you are growing in your gifts!

9 Power Gifts of the Spirit will TRAIN you, teaching you how to operate in these supernatural manifestations of God's Holy Spirit.

Get your copy today and begin allowing Holy Spirit to flow through you in every situation! Life is hard; it is only by God's Spirit that you can get through what you're going through. This book will give you massive amounts of equipping you need in order to allow the Lord to flow through you freely, helping you walk on miracle territory.

This product is a PDF ebook, instantly downloadable, 8.5"x11" in size and 55 pages in length. The bonus spiritual gifts inventory is also an instantly downloadable, printable PDF ebook.

**Yes: If you buy the ebook, it's perfectly okay to keep a copy on your phone, print it off and put it in a notebook, etc. at the same time. As long as you are the only person using it, you can use it in multiple formats or devices at once.**

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1 PDF ebook, 55 pages in length; and bonus PDF spiritual gifts inventory

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