
Healing from Mother Wounds video class (recorded webinar)

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Healing from Mother Wounds video class (recorded webinar)


Have you been hurt by any female figure in your life? Any female authority figure--including mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, aunts, and even THE CHURCH--can inflict a mother wound, even without meaning to. And if you have an unhealed mother wound, that wound will keep you from receiving from the Lord. 

Mother wounds are very different from father wounds. Father wounds keep you from being close with Father God, but unhealed mother wounds keep you from receiving.

But if you have been hurt by mother figures in your life, you can heal. 

In "Healing from Mother Wounds," I teach what the Bible says about healing from this type of hurt. I also walk you through a powerful, 5-step prayer bridge in which we pray through what the Bible says about being healed from mother wounds. 

Here's what students have said recently about this powerful class:

  • "The Lord is using you so much, Jamie. This class was so healing and a divine appointment for me. Thank you so much." - Ms. C.
  • "This is SUCH a divine appointment! AMAZING! [I feel] RELIEVED." - Mr. R.
  • "I feel [God] powering out His love on me." - Ms. P.
  • "I felt God's presence on me and [I feel] free." - Ms. M

Healing from Mother Wounds contains 1 video of approximately 1 hour 55 minutes' duration, as well as 11 pages of typewritten notes in PDF format for the class. All products are instantly downloadable and are digital only; no physical products are available.

If you suffer from unhealed mother wounds, watch this class today, pray through the healing process, and we believe God will work a miracle in your life!

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