
The Way Forward: 10 Prayers for Your Journey Into the Promised Land EBOOK

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The Way Forward: 10 Prayers for Your Journey Into the Promised Land EBOOK

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Is the Lord moving you out of the wilderness and toward the land of promise? Or, even if you don't see it yet, do you want Him to?

If so, then The Way Forward: 10 Prayers for Your Journey Into the Promised Land is for you!

This ebook contains prayers that will help you fully surrender to the Lord when He sees fit to refine you in His fire. But also, these prayer tools will help you ask the Lord to bring you up OUT of the fire and INTO the Promised Land--walking in the strategic path that God has for you.

This ebook of Scriptural prayers contains the following devotionals and sample prayers:

  1. Prayer for the Plans of the Spirit
  2. Prayer for Courage
  3. 10 Prayers for Every Storm
  4. Prayer to Stand Firm In Faith (If Your Faith Is Being Shaken)
  5. Prayer to Come Forth Shining Like Gold
  6. Prayer for Generational Inheritances to Come Forth
  7. Prayer for a Hedge of Thorns Around Your Enemies
  8. Lord, Open Your Armory On My Behalf!
  9. Prayer for Exceedingly Abundantly Above
  10. Prayer for the Light of the King’s Face
  11. Appendix: How to Walk in the Manifest Presence of God

Friend, if coming out of your fire looking more like Jesus matters to you, then grab this ebook today and pray these powerful sample prayers.

These prayers will help you pour out your heart to the Lord, whether you're still in the fire or even if you're coming out the other side! And each chapter contains on-time words of encouragement from the Bible that will strengthen your faith and fill you with hope.

This ebook is 66 pages long, 8.5" x 11" in size. It is instantly downloadable and printable. Download it today!

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1 PDF ebook, 8.5" x 11" in size, 66 pages long

4.79 MB
66 pages
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